How To Develop A Video Chat App with JavaScript & WebRTC?

Apr 18, 2023
WebRTC is a framework that enables real-time (RTC) messaging in browsers. Peer-to-peer communication is possible without a server. This allows customers to exchange messages, videos and live chat data between customers.

People use popular chat apps like Whatsapp, Signal, and Telegram for business communication. However there is a difference between a dedicated e-conferencing application and a simple chat system. To create such an app for your business, you need to understand how video chat works.

Let me explain this with a simple example. Imagine you are building an online video chat application. Now, we need 2 browsers (clients) - the caller and the call receiver. To connect phones and download devices, you need a server in the middle. This server is responsible for exchanging messages between the two browsers.

To know more on how to build a video chat app with JavaScript & WebRTC, Kindly check the post,