Forum Rules

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1. No Spam / Advertising / Self-promote withinside the forums

These forums outline spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, offerings and/or different internet sites, or posts with little, or absolutely unrelated content material. Do not spam the boards with hyperlinks to your web page or product, or attempt to self-promote your website, enterprise or boards etc. Spamming additionally consists of sending personal messages to a massive number of different users.

DO NOT ASK for e mail addresses or phone numbers

Your account may be banned completely and your posts may be deleted.

2. Do not submit copyright-infringing material

Providing or inquiring for information on how to illegally acquire copyrighted materials is forbidden.

3. Do not submit “offensive” posts, hyperlinks or images​

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or in any other case obscene, racist, or in any other case overly discriminatory is not accepted on these forums. This consists of user pictures. Use common sense while posting.This is an internet site for audiophiles.

4. Do not cross submit questions​

Please refrain from posting the same query in numerous forums. There is usually one forum which is most suitable in which to submit your question.

5. Do not PM users inquiring for assist

Do not send personal messages to any users inquiring for help. If you want assist, make a brand new thread in the appropriate discussion board then the whole community can assist and benefit.

6. Remain respectful of other members at all times​

All posts should be professional and courteous. You have each right to disagree together along with your fellow community members and provide an explanation for your perspective.

However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or in any other case belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you maintain in these forums, you're expected to obey this rule.

General Posting Guidelines​

We figured this was vital due to the fact that a number of people come in and submit threads with out thinking, and with out knowing that there may be no possible way they might get assist due to the manner they published the query. Here are a few preferred guidelines.

1. Please use SEARCH first!​

There is a quite suitable chance that until you've got got a few sincerely odd or particular problem that it has been addressed on our discussion board before, please use the discussion board’s search function first to peer if there are already a few suitable threads at the issue. It’s easy to searchsimply click on the “Search” bar on the top of the page.

2. Be DESCRIPTIVE and Don’t use “stupid” topic names​

PLEASE submit a descriptive topic name! Give a quick summary of your hassle IN THE SUBJECT. (Don’t use attention getting subjects, they don’t get interest and best annoy people).

Here’s a great listing of topic subjects YOU SHOULD NOT POST :Help me, Hello, Very urgent, I actually have a question

Generally ANYTHING similar to those is unacceptable. Just submit your problem.

Here is a good instance of a manner to submit a question

Can Anyone suggest me a good 1080p HD projector under 80k budget please? Thank You"

Remember when people assist you, they're doing YOU a favour

Be patient, help people out by posting suitable descriptions of what you need help with, and not snapping at people with rubbish such as“in case you aren’t going to assist don’t waste my time replying”.

General Forum Questions​

1. Am I allowed a couple of account?​

No, there is no reason why you must have a couple of accounts at Forums by AV Shack. If you're banned from the forums, please do not create a brand new account. If you still create new accounts after you have been banned, your IP address will be blocked from the boards.

2. What happens if I break a rule?​

If you break a rule, then you will either be warned or banned. A ban of your user account may also either be brief or permanent. The administrators and moderators additionally have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see necessary, without prior warning.

3. What happens if I see a thread/post which has broken a rule?​

Please report the thread/submit to the moderators or admin.
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